August 17th, 2020
To the Saturday Morning Sonic family, past and present,
If you're someone who joined this forum within the last few years you may not even know who I am. For those who don't, I'm the guy who started this website over 14 years ago.
I was 19 then, and I'm 33 now. I started SMS because I was thought I could run a better Sonic site. I was confused and dismayed by the amount of angst I saw in the SatAM fandom back in 2006. Looking back on it now, I don't feel the same sense of dismay—I just see a lot of hurt people trying to figure things out. I think we were all in a tough stage of life.
Back then I thought I had a lot of answers... I'm a bit less presumptuous now, to say the least.
But I poured my heart into Saturday Morning Sonic, and I do believe we succeeded in building that positive, caring community I set out to create. I say "we" because I made a lot of friends along the way who made this place the kind of community it was, and could never have been without them. I especially want to thank my fellow moderators/admins throughout the years, all of whom who were more sensible, intelligent, kind, and discerning than I could have ever hoped: Elisto Dragonwings, Hazel, Neon Black, Gojira007, Cyan, Thony Hedgehog, SoloWing, and Rob. Each and every one of you have been amazing. I thank you for all your help and hard work, but most importantly for your friendship. And I also apologize for the times that I know I hurt some of you. I will always regret that.
Those relationships are the stuff that outlasts all the Sonic talk and kinda makes it all worth it. When I think about the ongoing friendships (and even a few romantic relationships) that started out on this forum, I am truly amazed. It's funny how the little choices we make can have such big effects in people's lives. Even in my absence from the forum over the past many years, I've been able to maintain some of the friendships that started on this forum.
I'll never forget meeting up with FUS founder Sonique/Quexinos at Bronycon 2012, having the surreal and wonderful opportunity speak on the phone with SatAM writer Ben Hurst (may he rest in peace), or getting the chance to get together with Hazel, Elisto, and Gojira and all of us failing miserably at frisbee golf.
I began writing this letter nearly 7 years ago. At the time, I was feeling like it might be time to bring things to a close, but after consulting with the other forum moderators, decided I wasn't quite ready to say goodbye and I put it off to the side.
I've never been a fan of change (as my outspoken views on Sonic over the years attest to), and that's probably the reason I've put off posting this letter. I don't like letters like this. I don't like to see good things end. I don't like having to make hard choices. I don't like admitting that I can't do everything I'd like to. But here I am.
To be honest, my interest in Sonic began fading many years ago. But I've never forgotten what SatAM or Sonic meant to me, and for that reason I kept on, thinking that maybe one day the spark would return. I also felt an obligation to the community. But I have to face the fact that priorities change and life goes on.
And so it seems that this chapter has ended, and I would rather see it laid to rest now than see it die a slow, painful death.
But wait—it's not all bad! I'm really happy to see what the guys over at Fans United for SatAM have done to revive that place, and I feel that they're well equipped to continue carrying the proverbial SatAM torch. Many of you already have accounts on FUS and I'm sure some have already migrated over there due to inactivity over here.
I'm especially excited to see what's happening with Sea3on Animated. Maybe we really will finally get to see that third season of SatAM, and—in a beautiful, ironic, and wonderful twist of fate—we (the fans) will be the ones to make it.
And let's not forget—we got ourselves a real, respectable Sonic movie this year!
All of this to say, the forum is now officially shuttered. The main site will remain up indefinitely in its current state as a resource for SatAM fans.
Thank you again, for the thoughtful discussions, nostalgic reminiscing, and even the occasional drama ^_^ Nostalgia is a powerful and wonderful feeling, but don't forget to live in the present, even in these strange and challenging times. Try to see the good in people, and—like our little blue friend—keep on fighting for freedom.
Gotta' Juice,